Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Vis stopover...

...before the first leg to Italy. We arrived at sunset and had a great dinner at local restaurant. Today another beautiful morning but we are expecting rough weather ahead and will therefore proceed directly to Palermo, bypassing Messina. The weather God will decide the exact route together with captain Micke.

Dinner at Vis. Left to right: Micke, Annika, 
Staffan, Ebba, Tore, Anna, Eva, Stefan.

At sea - finally

After a final check and cleaning of Pixel we are now on our way to the small island of Vis. It will be our last stop in Croatia before we start on the first leg towards Italy. At Vis we will complete custom clearance.

Annika and Eva working hard cleaning prior to departure,  Micke our captain at the helm and Stefan up front checking the front deck. We are altogether seven crew members, three ladies and four gentlemen.