Monday, 27 May 2019

Helgoland - the Sea Bird Island

Helgoland is a hotspot for bird watching. The island is actually one of the most important breeding areas for a wide variety of sea birds.

On today's walk around the island I was able to get in close contact with hundreds of gannet couples (in Swedish: havssula). They quickly became my favourites because of their size. It is the biggest sea bird in the North Atlantic region.  A gannet can be 87-100 cm long with a wing span of 170-180 cm (67-71 in). Around 400 gannet couples call Helgoland home.

Gannet juveniles are mostly grey-brown, becoming increasingly white in the five years it takes them to reach maturity.
Gannet colonies are mostly located on offshore islands, such as Helgoland, with cliffs from which they can easily launch into the air. Gannets hunts for fish, that forms the bulk of their diet, by making high-speed dives into the sea.

Helgoland - the Crab Fishing Port

Fishing was, in the old days, quite an important food source for the local population of Helgoland. Today fishing plays a limited role in the islands economy. Crab fishing, however, is still going on .Most of the catch is sold to local restaurants here. Helgoland "knieper" (crab claws) is one popular local speciality.

I couldn't find any good illustration for this article, but please except a local artists impression of colourful fantasy fishes.

Helgoland - the Island "Seaty"

You can live your whole life in Helgoland (1.0 sq. km small) without ever leaving this island. Everything you need for your daily life is available here, just like in any small German town on the mainland. Bank, post office, school, hospital, a public library, several shops including a well equipped food market and a big variety of restaurants. There's even a small airport 2 km away on the neighbouring Dune island (0.7 sq. km). The natural connection between the two islands was destroyed during a storm tide in 1720. There's a frequent ferry service connecting the two islands.

Visitors can choose among more than 2,800 guest beds; from four-star hotels to holiday flats and houses to simply furnished private rooms. For a bit of a Robinson feeling you can stay in a tent on the campsite on the Dune.