Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Atlantic crossings

It is now time for me to say goodbye to Pixel. On November 19 she will cross the Atlantic in a westerly direction to St. Lucia as a participant of the ARC 2017 race. ARC is an abbreviation of "Atlantic Rally for Cruisers". Her new crew will arrive Nov 11 but Micke, our captain, will continue to sail. Approximately 260 sailing boats of various sizes will participate in the rally out which 19 are sailing with Swedish crew. I wish Pixel favourable winds and a winning  position.

I will today leave Las Palmas and cross a corner of the Atlantic in a northeastern direction in order to reach my home near Stockholm, Sweden. But instead of sailing I will fly Norwegian. I am looking forward to meet former colleagues on duty on my flight home. I have been flying LPA-ARN many times in the past. Our crew hotel during the last couple of years was St. Catalina, a classic ☆☆☆☆☆ hotel. Yesterday I took a walk to the hotel together with Annika. I had then had a  chance to show her the beautiful garden behind the hotel - a favourite spot for taking  wedding photos.