Monday 6 May 2019

Porto - pop. 240 000

Jennifer and crew have now arrived safely at Marina da Afurada located in the outskirts of Porto on the river Doura. It took us 25 hours to cover 150 NM from Cascais, a bit longer than the distance from Lagos to Cascais (110 NM). This was our second sail night and it is quite challenging to sail in the dark. Fishing nets and local fishing boats are difficult to spot - you have to focus 100% on your duties during night watch in order to avoid unwanted encounters.

Porto is famous all over the world for port wine. All the famous Portuguese wine houses have beautifully appointed showrooms located next to River Doura. Tore and I skipped these and all other tourist traps. Instead we made a 14 km long hike along the river, stopping only for lunch (big, tasty and enough food to fill a doggy bag for our onboard dinner) and one (1) beer stop in the oldest part of Porto. Once again we travelled a few km on an historical streetcar - we are both railway enthusiasts.